GOP Pirate Meeting Notes

Isn’t it ironic that the group sworn to secrecy is pressing for transparency?

Why do they want to discredit “independent conservative” elements?  Doesn’t this go against the SC Republican Creed?

If any GOP pirate member receives info from the (State) party, it must be shared with the whole group.  Is Reese afraid that he might be kept out of the loop?

Reese did not have time to attend the HCGOP meetings called for by the duly elected Chairman, but he has time to organize meetings and communicate with the State Party to fight the HCGOP that the citizens voted for.

Nowhere in the notes is there mention of helping the HCGOP.

If only they had put their efforts into helping the HCGOP instead of harming it,  if only they had sought to unite the party instead of dividing it, then we would not be having the problems and division we are currently encountering.

As Maxwell Smart used to say…..If only they had used their powers for good instead of evil.